TIP Solicitation, Evaluation and Selection Process
Eligible Applicants
The New York State Department of Transportation, the Capital District Transportation Authority, Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages and other public entities within CDTC’s planning area are eligible to apply.
Project Eligibility and Federal Guidance
All projects must be eligible for federal aid funding programs under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) including the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP), the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).
Proposed projects must meet all CDTC eligibility guidelines (2018).
Sponsors proposing projects on roads or bridges they do not own must submit a letter of support from the roadway owner.
Local Government sponsors are required to administer federally funded projects following the guidelines established by NYSDOT in the Local Projects Manual.
FHWA recently released two new guidance documents on its Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) website. The guidance reflects the implementation of the IIJA amendments to the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program and the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP). Follow the links below to view the full implementation guidance for each program.
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG)
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)
Project Evaluation
All candidate projects are evaluated by the CDTC staff. 50% of the score is derived from a calculated Benefit/Cost ratio and 50% is derived from a Merit Category Score.
CDTC’s Planning Committee and Policy Board are ultimately responsible for funding awards.
Project Selection Process
CDTC’s Planning Committee reviews staff evaluations of the candidate projects, sets funding targets for the project categories, and negotiates sponsor priorities to create the proposed list of projects to be included in the TIP. The list is forwarded to the Policy Board and included in the Draft 2022-2027 TIP document. For more information about how the selection process unfolds, the meeting minutes of the Planning Committee can be found on the Planning Committee page. TIP project selection related meetings ran April 6, 2022 – August 3, 2022.
Public Review
CDTC releases the Draft 2022-2027 TIP document for review for a period of at least 25 days. CDTC employs a a variety of methods and technologies to reach as broad of an audience as possible, with particular efforts aimed at communities that have been historically excluded or impacted by planning processes. Public input is collected, responses are drafted (when warranted) by staff, and forwarded to the Policy Board and Planning Committee for consideration.
TIP Adoption and Effective Date
The TIP document with edits, public input, and other required documentation is considered and adopted by CDTC’s Policy Board. The CDTC’s TIP becomes effective on the date that the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) process is complete.
Supporting Documents & Data
Federal Aid Eligibility Criteria
CDTC Definitions for Preservation and Beyond Preservation Projects
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Eligibility Criteria
*Note: HSIP program funds may be used on any public roadway.
NYSDOT Roadway Inventory System Map
NYSDOT Functional Classification Codes
*Note: For pavement related projects federal-aid cannot be used on roads functionally classified as local (8, 9 and 19).
Local Bridge Condition Data
Local Pavement Condition Data
Contact Brian Kirch, Transportation Planner, NYSDOT R1 for the most recent pavement surface condition scores by segment for your projects. Brian.Kirch@dot.ny.gov
Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure
CDTC Regional Sidewalk Inventory
CDTC Regional Cycle Track Inventory
Regional Trail Infratstructure
The following projects were propopsed for funding in the 2022-2027 TIP. The candidate projects are organized by project type and are sorted on the total project score that resulted from the project evaluation process.
The following funding scenario has been developed by the CDTC Planning Committee for inclusion on the Draft 2022 – 2027 TIP. For more information on how this scenario was developed please reference the materials from the CDTC Planning Committtee meetings in April and May, 2022.
DRAFT Proposed TIP Project List
DRAFT Proposed TIP Funding Summary