What Does New Visions Say About Local Decisions?

New Visions calls for the integration of regional and local planning and the integration of land use and transportation planning. Local decisions that are undertaken in a regional context are critical to the implementation of New Visions 2030. The Community and Transportation Linkage Planning Program in particular has jumped started many local planning initiatives and has led to a number of local plans which integrate transportation and land use. As time moves on, implementation opportunities will arise and by having undertaken local planning pro-actively, local communities will be ready to respond.

CDTC has a role in supporting local planning beyond the Linkage Program. The New Visions 2030 plan calls for the articulation of regional development strategies which are grounded in the principles of smart growth, the development of a New Visions Training Program and Guidebook that particularly targets planning board members, elected officials and other local decision makers, and continued support for the Linkage Program. CDTC and its many planning partners will do what they can to assist local planning and to support the development of a quality region now and in the future.

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