The New Visions 2030 development has included Quality Region Task Force, five working groups, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force, the Goods Movement Task force, and the Finance Task Force; and public involvement in the dozens of Linkage studies at the local level. The CDTC Policy Board has now released the
draft Plan materials
for public review. Over the summer, CDTC staff will work with a “Quality Region Task Force” (which has been in place since the 2030 work started) to look for gaps in this new material and to help develop more polished summary materials for even wider public distribution. At its October 4, 2007 Policy Board meeting, CDTC will then be asked to either adopt New Visions 2030, extend the public comment period, or both. The type of action would be dictated both by public comment received and by the work carried out with the Quality Region Task Force over the summer. The new plan will fully reflect the new planning requirements of SAFETEA-LU and ensure CDTC’s full compliance with federal law.