The New Visions 2030 plan lays out a clear strategy to meet a long-standing goal of improving the safety of the transportation system for all of its users both in response to new federal requirements and recent developments in the state of the practice. The plan relies on an integrated approach for safety planning activities which not only supports the continued use of traditional safety countermeasures on high speed facilities (clear zones, rumble strips, etc.), where appropriate, but also encourages use of the “Complete Streets” concept (where arterials, collectors and local roads are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users) and innovative design techniques. These include use of roundabouts, “visual friction” (the visual cues drivers get from the road environment to slow down), and access management techniques (to reduce conflict points between users of a roadway). This integrated approach also recognizes that education and enforcement efforts by local safety professionals also has a real impact on driver behavior and that designing improvement projects in sync with surrounding community context can help encourage responsible driving behavior. Taken together this approach will help reduce the level of risk for the region’s most vulnerable users of the transportation system, namely bicyclists, pedestrians, children and the elderly.