What Does New Visions Say About the TIP?

One of CDTC’s primary responsibilities is to prepare and adopt a financially balanced “Transportation Improvement Program” (TIP) that assigns approximately $100 million in annual federal highway and transit funds to specific projects in the Capital Region. All projects on CDTC’s five-year TIP must be consistent with and help implement the New Visions plan.

CDTC has followed a unique process for the past decade to ensure that funding in the TIP builds a transportation system that reflects the priorities of the New Visions plan. Project proposals from the state, localities or others are “screened” for compatibility with all of CDTC’s principles. Funding is directed to projects that improve the balance of investments by project type (pavement, bridge, bike, pedestrian, transit, economic development, system operation, and the like) to match the budgetary priorities of the plan. Projects are also ranked in terms of cost effectiveness and overall user, community and environmental value.

The result is that the principles, actions and budgetary priorities of the New Visions plan have been, are and will continue to be reflected in real world investments in important, cost-effective projects that are well coordinated with land use plans and regional objectives. The Capital District’s track record for plan implementation has few equals.

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