Today I had the opportunity to hands-on-learn from Barry Carr (Clean Communities of Central NY Director) about the bus scrappage process that we help out with, as Directors. Pictured above is the claw of a machine closing down on the engine, rendering it “down for the count permanently,” some might say. Learning about the “one to one” swaps that occur was a good time for lessons learned and seeing the action tied to decommissioning a bus. In simplified terms, as you add in one alternative energy bus to fleets, we take one higher polluting counterpart out of the picture. It is quite a specific process as well, as NYSERDA requires documentation of VIN numbers, engine VIN numbers, image documentation of a 3-inch diameter hole drilled into the engine– all that and more — inclusive of the complete and utter destruction of the bus 🙂 (feel free to reach out for a video if interested, I don’t mind sharing).
That leads me to my next open-ended question and thought, what does the scrap amount to next?
Adam McCarvill
Director of Capital District Clean Communities Coalition