Policy Board

The Policy Board is the ultimate authority for the Capital Region Transportation Council and acts on policy, plan, and program recommendations made by the Planning Committee. Policy Board members are encouraged to bring forth issues and concerns at any time -- they are expected to be active participants in the transportation planning process.

Policy Board meetings are open to the public.

To register to speak and/ or to request auxiliary aids or services and reasonable accommodations please contact us at: (518) 458-2161 or info@capitalmpo.org. Request for aids, services, or reasonable accommodations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Meetings are broadcasted live, recorded and made available on our YouTube Channel.


The Honorable Kathy Sheehan
Mayor, City of Albany
Carm Basile
Chief Executive Officer, CDTA
Michael Arthur
Regional Director, NYS DOT Region-1

December 5, 2024

  1. Opening Remarks

  2. Privilege of the Floor

  3. Presentation – Reimagine 787 Study Draft Report, presented by Greg Wichser, NYSDOT Region-1

  4. Administration

    1. September 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . .Action Anticipated*

    2. B. FHWA/FTA Certification Review Findings*

    3. C. Performance and Expenditure Report (April 1 – September 30)*

    4. D. 2025 Policy Board and Planning Committee Schedule*

    5. Nominating Subcommittee Notice

  5. Livingston Avenue Bridge - TIP Project Funding Modification*
    (provided for information only)
    Note: $215 million grant awarded to NYSDOT from Federal Rail Administration.

  6. 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program Discussion

  7. 2025-2026 Unified Planning Work Program Discussion

  8. Capital Region Complete Streets StoryMap

  9. Status of Regional Transportation Planning Initiatives

    1. Transportation Council

    2. CDRPC

    3. CDTA

    4. NYSDOT

    5. NYSTA

    6. Albany County Airport Authority

    7. Albany Port District Commission

    8. Regional/Local Planning Activities*

  10. Other

  11. Upcoming Meetings/Events

    1. Equity Advisory Committee - December 12th – 3:00 pm

    2. Community Planners Forum - December 19th – 9:30 am

    3. Planning Committee - January 8th – 9:30 am

More Information

NOTE: Meeting materials available on this web site may not include all materials included in the meeting mail out, such as letters from other agencies and brochures. There may also be materials not available until the meeting, such as handouts and audio-visual presentations.

The Policy Board also maintains an Administrative & Financial (A&F) Standing Subcommittee composed of the Transportation Councils Chairman and other appointees. This subcommittee handles the Transportation Councils personnel and housekeeping issues on behalf of the Policy Board.