Operations & Freight

Congestion Management Process

Traffic Congestion

The Capital Region Congestion Management Process (CMP) methodology report was adopted by the Transportation Council’s Policy Board in December 2023. The report outlines a process to identify congested locations and the appropriate strategies to treat them. The report makes recommendations relating to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), roadway operations, transit, access management, land use, bicycle & pedestrian mobility, and more.

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility is integrated, smart transportation systems that use data, applications, and technology to help people and goods move more quickly, cheaply, and efficiently.

The Transportation Council works with municipalities to identify these technologies and strategies that can be integrated into local and regional transportation networks to increase efficiency and safety, expand access and affordability, and improve how users engage with the transportation system.


Freight & Rail

The movement of freight is crucial to our economy.  The Freight program provides support to our members and the public to better understand the role and profile of freight transportation throughout the region.  It empowers decision makers to make appropriate investments to support the efficiency and safety of goods movement, while minimizing any negative impacts on communities.