Capital Region Complete Streets
Complete Streets are appropriate to the community context and designed and operated to enable safe, convenient access for all users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, and the movement of goods.
The Transportation Council developed an Educational and Technical Workshop Series to improve local municipal communication and coordination, training and education. The Transportation Council has also assembled a Capital District Complete Streets Design Guide at the request of local governments to fill in gaps where the context of local streets differs from that of state highways.
Capital Region policies, ordinances, resolutions, and checklists:
Town of Bethlehem Complete Streets Resolution (2009)
New York State Complete Streets Act (2011)
City of Saratoga Springs Complete Streets Policy (2012)
City of Albany Complete Streets Ordinance (2013)
City of Troy Complete Streets Ordinance (2014)
Village of Scotia Complete Streets Policy (2014)
Town of Niskayuna Complete Streets Resolution (2017)
City of Cohoes Complete Streets Policy (2017)
City of Watervliet Complete Streets Resolution (2017)