Planning Committee

The Planning Committee has the delegated authority from the Policy Board to develop recommendations about transportation policies, plans, and programs and is largely composed of Policy Board member staff. For example, Mayors serve on the Policy Board while city engineers or planning directors serve on the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee has also been delegated the authority to approve small-scale changes to the Transportation Councils planning work program (UPWP) or to the Transportation Improvement Program.

Planning Committee meetings are open to the public.

To register to speak and/ or to request auxiliary aids or services and reasonable accommodations please contact us at: (518) 458-2161 or Request for aids, services, or reasonable accommodations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Meetings are broadcasted live, recorded and made available on our YouTube channel.

January 8, 2025

  1. Welcome and Introductions

  2. Visitor’s Issues

  3. Administration

    1. Previous Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2024

    2. Planning Committee Officer Nomination and Election

  4. Action Items

    1. Establishment of 2025 Performance Measure Targets

      1. Resolution 25-1: Support for Revised NYSDOT Pavement Condition Targets

      2. Resolution 25-2: Support for NYSDOT Targets for Safety Performance Measures

    2. Existing 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project Updates Impacting the 2025-2030 TIP Update

      1. Draft Projects Proposed to Roll Off the 2025-2030 TIP (Revised 1/7/25)

      2. Draft Projects Proposed to Roll In to the 2025-2030 TIP As Is (Revised 1/7/25)

      3. Draft Proposed Administrative Modifications to 2022-2027 TIP Projects (available at meeting)

      4. Draft Proposed Minor Amendments to Existing TIP Projects (available at meeting)

      5. Draft Proposed Major Amendments to Existing TIP Projects (available at meeting)

      6. Draft CDTA Transit Projects (FTA Funds Only) (available at meeting)

    3. 2025-2030 TIP Update Project Programming

      1. Draft Proposed Regional Set-asides (available at meeting)

      2. Draft Candidate Projects – Interactive Location Map and Factsheets by Project Category:

        1. Pavement Only

        2. Complete Streets

        3. Bridge

        4. Congestion, Freight, and Air Quality (CFAQ)

        5. Bike/Ped Only

        6. Other

  5. Discussion Items

    1. 2025-2026 Unified Planning Work Program (available at meeting)

    2. Summary of 2022-2027 TIP Administrative Modifications (available at meeting)

    3. NYSDOT Project Delivery Schedule (available at meeting)

    4. Status of Regional Transportation Planning Initiatives

    5. Regional and Local Planning Updates

      1. Transportation Council

      2. CDRPC

      3. CDTA

      4. NYSDOT

      5. NYSTA

      6. Albany County Airport Authority

      7. Albany Port District Commission

      8. Local Government/Other

    6. Upcoming Meetings/Events/Deadlines (tentative)

      1. Regional Operations and Safety Advisory Committee – January 16th

      2. Planning Committee Meeting – January 29th


Steve Feeney
Schenectady County
Chris Wallin
City of Schenectady
Sandra Misiewicz, AICP
Transp. Council Executive Director

NOTE: Meeting materials available on this website may not include all materials included in the meeting e-packet, such as letters from other agencies and brochures. There may also be materials not available until the meeting, such as handouts and audio-visual presentations.